Les Grottes du Régulus

Guided tours
A period of three-quarters of an hour, they allow to discover the story of Meschers’ cliffs from the origin to our times.
During this travel, the long and the short history to meet sometimes the legend…
- To our English, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italians friends, written translations are available.
- Touch tablets available to the deaf and hard of hearing.

Estuary of Gironde
It begins to Bec d’Ambès and finish to the points of Suzac and Grave. 75 km long, 12 km large at his maximum (in terms of Mortagne) and around 635 km², the estuary of Gironde is the greater estuary of Europe. It is also the only estuary of France where two rivers plunge into (Dordogne and Garonne).

Peach in the estuary

Restaurant of Fontaines
The Man and the cliff

The Man and the Meschers's cliff
The fishing net

The fishing net on pontoon
That stranges' huts which populate our coasts.
The history of Regulus
This model made dream small and big people.


The legend of Cadet
The legend of Cadetby means of his goat which is name Belin, during storms, are prompting sinking of the ships passing offshore our cliffs. The shipwreckers, myth or reality?